











  1. ちーなべ


  2. ちーなべ様


  3. ちーなべ


  4. 定食屋さんみたいになりますね[レストラン]

  5. いたずらするのは言わずもがなwww

  6. ほっしゃん


  7. ほっしゃん様


  8. Dude the spamming here are driving me nuts! Do something about it!

  9. Buddy this spamming here will drive me crazy! Get rid of it!

  10. Heelllo! Just wanted to say site. Continue with the good work!

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  12. I want to say your blog is kinda awesome. I always like to hear something new about this because I have the similar blog in my Country on this subject so this help´s me a lot. I did a search on the subject matter and found a good number of blogs but nothing like this.Thanks for sharing so much in your blog.. Greets, Monika

  13. Things you brought up seems sensible. Yet, picture this, what happens if you offered a little bit more? What i’m saying is, I don’t want to teach how you can write your site, but what if you added something which could get people’s attention? Just like a online video or a image or maybe few for getting viewers interested concerning what you mentioned.

  14. It’s laborious to search out knowledgeable individuals on this subject, but you sound like you recognize what you’re speaking about! Thanks

  15. Depending on yourself to make the decisions can really be upsetting and frustrating. It takes years to build confidence. Frankly it takes more than just happening to happen.

  16. Things you brought up made . Yet, consider this, let’s suppose you included a little more? I am talking about, I don’t want to tell you how to run your website, but what if you actually added extra content that can easily get peoples attention? Just as a video or perhaps a photo or maybe two to get your readers interested concerning what you mentioned.

  17. Can I have a bit of advice? I’m sure you’ve had sth great here. However suppose you also offered a couple of links to a site that supports what youre you said? Or even you might give us some extra information to look at, whatever would certainly connect what exactly you are saying, something concrete?

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  19. Thanks friend. That is nice hearing

  20. What you said made . However, picture this, what happens if you added a little bit more? I mean, I don’t want to teach how you can write your site, however what if you actually added something that can easily grab peoples notice? Just simply as a online video or simply a graphic or 2 to have viewers interested about what you mentioned.

  21. Get upset! Simply letting the quota happen isn’t acceptable. This will help you stay above the curve.

  22. Can I make a suggestion? I think youve got something great over here. However let’s say you also added a couple of references to a site that supports what youre saying? Or maybe you can offer us something to look at, something would link up what you are mentioning, sth concrete?

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  24. Most of the time I try and consume my mix of Vitamin E from pills. While I’d really enjoy to via a good meal plan it can be even more hard to at times.

  25. I’ve been there before. It is not an easy solution as you think it could be, it is something that you’ll have to think through for yourself over time.

  26. That’s a very good feedback. Wondering what you think of it’s implication on society as a whole though? Sometimes people get a little upset with global expansion. I will be back soon and follow up with a response.

  27. I have been in the same situation before. It’s not an easy solution as you thought it is, its something that you will need to consider for yourself over time.

  28. Relying on your instanct is tough for most of us. It takes years to build confidence. Its not the sort of thing that simply just happens.

  29. Wow I’m frustrated. I’m not saying you are responsible, I think it is everyone else out there that isn’t taking notice.

  30. Great points altogether, personally I’m gonna have to bookmark this and come back to it. Do you have any feedback on your most recent post though?

  31. I do not actually understand how how this is much different between the Daily News getting this out this or some internet blog. Material like this must to be administered out more often. I wished that someone else in the USA would want to take a stance like this.

  32. בים בם בום תיאטרון לילדים, ימי הולדת והפקת אירועים. החברה המובילה בארץ לארגון ימי הולדת לילדים.

  33. It’s pretty interesting that the mainstream media has changed the way it looks at this recently dont you think? What once seemed like a never discussed issue has become more prevelant. It’s that time to chagnge our stance on this though.

  34. Your home is valueble for me. Thanks!

  35. Have you ever wondered who posts some of this stuff that you come across? The internet never used to be like that, recently though it has turned around. What are your thoughts?

  36. Very good suggestions, personally I’m gonna have to bookmark this and come back to it. I’m curious if you have any follow ups to this post?

  37. Good thorough ideas here.I’d like to recommend checking out a lot around the idea of french fries. What are your thoughts?

  38. I don’t really get how how exactly this is different between the Daily News publishing this or some internet blog. Content like this needs to be pushed out more often. I would hope that citizens in the USA would stand up for peoples rights like this.

  39. I’m curious if you ever have problems with what people post? Recently it seems to have become an epidemic, except that recently it seems to have become better. What do you think?

  40. Great stuff.You may want to actually consider a lot around the idea of french fries. What exactly are you looking for though?

  41. I’m wondering if you have noticed how the media has changed? Now it seems that it is discussed thoroughly and more in depth. It’s that time to chagnge our stance on this though.

  42. If you really want you can look the other way and not talk about it. Don’t give up your morals for anything. This will lead to a sad and unfulfilling life.

  43. This is a different sort of opinion that many people don’t usually talk about. Usually when I find stuff like this I stumble it. I don’t think this would be the best to submit though. I’ll look around and find another article that may work.

  44. I enjoy you because of all your valuable work on this site.

  45. I don’t really understand how how exactly this is different between the New York Times getting this out this or some online site. Material like this needs to be administered out more to the public. I wish that others in the USA would want to take a stance like this.

  46. Overall I like to and ingest my mix of Vitamin E from pills. While I would prefer to via a good meal plan it can be even more strenous to at times.

  47. I imagine this has gotta be some form of evolutionary characteristic to better understand what kinda person someone is. Whether they are out to get remorse, if they are different, someone that you need to be cautious about. People would need to know how to deal to them.

  48. Have you noticed the news has changed its approach recently? What once seemed like a never discussed issue has become more prevelant. Overall though I’m looking for a change.

  49. Excellent ideas throughout this post, personally I’m gonna have to bookmark this and come back to it. Do you have any feedback on your most recent post though?

  50. This makes me somewhat upset. I’m not saying you are responsible, personally I think that its those that aren’t motivated to change.
